Officer Darrell Jackson Share

May 3, 2018  |  Web Administrator

I super­vise Offi­cer Dar­rell Jack­son, and I was present when offi­cers were dis­patched to a Grant-Black­ford Men­tal Health Facil­i­ty for a patient that was cre­at­ing a dis­tur­bance and threat­en­ing staff. Upon offi­cer arrival, con­tact was made with the sub­ject and offi­cers attempt­ed to take him into cus­tody on an Imme­di­ate Deten­tion Order because he was a dan­ger to him­self and oth­ers. The sub­ject resist­ed and drew a long-han­dled steak knife from his pock­et. The sub­ject held the knife to his throat, and refused to com­ply with offi­cers’ repeat­ed requests to drop the knife. Offi­cer Jack­son deployed his elec­tron­ic weapon (Taser), and the sub­ject went to the ground after being struck with the probes from the Taser. The sub­ject then sat up and began stab­bing him­self in the neck. Offi­cer Jack­son then rushed to the sub­ject and wres­tled him to the ground, and pinned his arm down so that he could not stab him­self any fur­ther. Oth­er offi­cers were able to get the knife away from the sub­ject while Offi­cer Jack­son held him to the ground, and he was even­tu­al­ly hand­cuffed. The sub­ject was then flown by heli­copter to Luther­an Hos­pi­tal in Ft. Wayne for treat­ment of his injuries.

Offi­cer Jack­son per­formed hero­ical­ly while faced with an armed, men­tal sub­ject and put his own life on the line to pre­vent the sub­ject from hurt­ing him­self fur­ther or hurt­ing an offi­cer. Offi­cer Jack­son should be com­mend­ed for his actions.

Offi­cer Jack­son hired on with the Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment in 1999. He pre­vi­ous­ly was a Police Offi­cer in Louisiana, where he orig­i­nal­ly is from. Offi­cer Jack­son was a mem­ber of the Street Crimes Unit for four years and has served as a Patrol Offi­cer on all three shifts.

Sub­mit­ted by:

John Kauff­man, Captain

Patrol Divi­sion, Mar­i­on Police Department