Ofcs. Biddle, Bennett, Sgt. Ridgway, & K9 "Kurt" Share

Aug 4, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A team of police offi­cers is being spot­light­ed” for out­stand­ing actions in late July result­ing in the arrest of a man on mul­ti­ple vio­lent charges includ­ing bat­tery on a police offi­cer and attempt­ed rape.

Mar­i­on Police report­ed that in the ear­ly morn­ing hours of July 21st, 2022, Offi­cers Joe Bid­dle and David Ben­nett respond­ed to a 911 call of a 17-year-old girl being attacked in a home on east 32nd St. Upon arrival, the offend­er iden­ti­fied as Zachary Tyler Case attempt­ed to flee. The two offi­cers caught up to Case and attempt­ed to appre­hend him. Case resist­ed arrest, began to punch Ofc. Bid­dle mul­ti­ple times in the face and, while the fight ensued, tried to steal the firearm from Biddle’s hol­ster. Sergeant Bryan Ridg­way and K9 Offi­cer Kurt” then arrived to the scene, and the team suc­cess­ful­ly appre­hend­ed the perpetrator.

Ofc. Bid­dle was treat­ed for non­life-threat­en­ing injuries and released from Mar­i­on Health. 

Case was treat­ed at Mar­i­on Health and sent to the Grant Coun­ty Jail on sev­er­al felony charges includ­ing bur­glary, attempt­ed rape, and bat­tery on a police officer.

Police Chief Angela Haley com­mend­ed the team effort. Offi­cer Bid­dle gave chase and had caught up with a vio­lent offend­er who even tried to take his gun to use against him. Bid­dle used his train­ing and the work he puts in on his own time to stay men­tal­ly and phys­i­cal­ly fit to fight off the attack. The team of four took the sus­pect into cus­tody. These offi­cers act­ed with­out giv­ing the first thought about their own per­son­al safe­ty to stop an attack on inno­cent res­i­dents of our community.”

Ofc. Ben­nett has served with MPD since 1995, Sgt. Ridg­way since 2006, Ofc. Bid­dle since 2016, and K9 police dog Kurt” has been serv­ing since 2015.

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