Ofc. Joe Biddle Share

Jan 2, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Mar­i­on Police Offi­cer Joe Bid­dle is being rec­og­nized for exem­plary ser­vice on two sep­a­rate occa­sions in Novem­ber, 2019.

On Novem­ber 3rd, while on third shift patrol, Ofc. Bid­dle respond­ed to a home in the 100 block of West 7th St. in ref­er­ence to an unre­spon­sive per­son on the porch of a res­i­dence. Upon arrival, Bid­dle found a man and dis­cov­ered he had no pulse and was not breath­ing. Ofc. Bid­dle imme­di­ate­ly began CPR, and after about 30 sec­onds, the vic­tim gasped for air and Bid­dle detect­ed a pulse. The vic­tim then stopped breath­ing again at which point Ofc. Bid­dle con­tin­ued CPR until more help arrived. After anoth­er minute of CPR, the vic­tim con­tin­ued labored breath­ing, but was still not breath­ing on his own. Ofc. Andrew Bow­ell and Ofc. Dil­lon Wag­goner assist­ed Bid­dle until an ambu­lance arrived. When medics from Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal took over, they found that the vic­tim had a pulse and was breath­ing on his own. The vic­tim was then tak­en away in the ambu­lance to MGH.

MPD Cap­tain Chris Butche expressed that Ofc. Biddle’s efforts dur­ing the Nov. 3rd inci­dent were excep­tion­al. With­out quick response, con­tin­ued CPR, and care giv­en by Offi­cer Joe Bid­dle, I believe that the vic­tim may not be alive today.”

Then on Novem­ber 15th, Ofc. Bid­dle was called out on a wel­fare check in the 600 block of W. 5th St. When Bid­dle arrived, he encoun­tered two res­i­dents and dis­cov­ered that the home had no work­ing elec­tric­i­ty. He learned that the house had been with­out elec­tric­i­ty since April due to lack of pay­ment. Bid­dle not­ed that an exten­sion cord was being run to the res­i­dence from a neighbor’s home to pro­vide some elec­tric­i­ty. After attempt­ing with no suc­cess to find a safe and warm place for them to stay, Ofc. Bid­dle trans­port­ed the cou­ple to a near­by hotel and paid for a room for them for the night. Fol­low­ing that night, Ofc. Bid­dle con­tin­ued to fol­low up and attempt­ed to get addi­tion­al ser­vices for the couple.

Capt. Butche explained that Ofc. Bid­dle per­formed his duties in an exem­plary fash­ion dur­ing both of the not­ed inci­dents. He added that Bid­dle is just shy of serv­ing one year in law enforce­ment with MPD.

Ofc. Bid­dle com­ment­ed on both inci­dents, express­ing need to give all offi­cers cred­it for the every­day work that they do. On Nov. 3rd, Offi­cers Bow­ell and Wag­goner arrived on the scene quick­ly and assist­ed me with CPR.” Reflect­ing on both inci­dents, Bid­dle added, I was just doing what offi­cers do. We have a great team. Our offi­cers respond to and take the sort of action from inci­dents like this all the time.”

Capt. Butche also com­mend­ed the entire 3rd Shift Patrol Ser­vices team. The MPD Knight­walk­ers’ do an out­stand­ing job and I am for­tu­nate and grate­ful to have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work beside them.”