Nikki Owen Share

Sep 1, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

For near­ly three years, Nicole Nik­ki” Owen has worked as the Admin­is­tra­tive Assis­tant to the May­or and Chief of Staff. She is also the smil­ing face and wel­com­ing voice of City Hall as the main recep­tion­ist for the City of Marion.

May­or Jess Alum­baugh says Owen has brought a gen­uine wel­com­ing atmos­phere to City Hall.

No mat­ter where I am, at some point, some­one com­ments on how nice it is to be able to talk with a live per­son, and receive imme­di­ate atten­tion to their con­cern when they call or come into City Hall,” said May­or Alumbaugh.

Chief of Staff Mike Fly­nn expound­ed on Owen’s strong skill set. Nik­ki han­dles mul­ti­ple tasks effi­cient­ly and effort­less­ly. From man­ag­ing admin­is­tra­tive duties for the May­or and myself, to address­ing an array of com­mu­ni­ty requests…she has been a true asset to the oper­a­tion of our office,” said Flynn.

Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions Lay­la Price says she sees the dif­fer­ence in the over­all morale with­in City Hall due to Owen’s pres­ence. I don’t want to know what our gov­ern­ment office would be like with­out her. Nik­ki adapt­ed well to her tem­po­rary office while the Mayor’s recep­tion area was under­go­ing improve­ments ear­li­er this sum­mer. She real­ly runs the show around here and keeps every­one in sync.” said Price.