Needham-Storey-Wampner Funeral & Cremation Service Share

Oct 12, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A rich his­to­ry of what is now known as Need­ham-Storey-Wamp­n­er Funer­al Home & Cre­ma­tion Ser­vice is doc­u­ment­ed on their web­site, and dates back to 1892 in Gas City. They cur­rent­ly oper­ate four facil­i­ties in Grant Coun­ty – the North Chapel in Mar­i­on, Funer­al Plan­ning Cen­ter in Mar­i­on, Storey Chapel in Gas City, and Rybolt Chapel in Swayzee. They also own the Grant Memo­r­i­al Park ceme­tery in Marion.

Need­ham-Storey-Wamp­n­er pro­vides bur­ial and cre­ma­tion ser­vices, obit­u­ary list­ings, com­mu­ni­ty rooms with cater­ing options, pet ser­vices, pre-plan­ning, grief care, and much more. They have offered the warm and com­fort­ing ser­vices of Nero,” their grief ther­a­py dog, since 2016

In August of 2023, Need­ham-Storey-Wamp­n­er received the Cen­tu­ry Award, pre­sent­ed in per­son by Indi­ana Gov­er­nor Eric Hol­comb, rec­og­niz­ing the company’s longevi­ty and ser­vice to its employ­ees, com­mu­ni­ty, and the state. The com­pa­ny was one of 76 through­out Indi­ana award­ed in 2023.

Need­ham-Storey-Wamp­n­er con­ducts char­i­ta­ble activ­i­ties includ­ing a ten­der­loin fry for non­prof­it orga­ni­za­tions, Feed the Street food dri­ves, and sup­ply dri­ves for the Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Humane Soci­ety. They may be found at the Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Senior Cen­ter serv­ing food, walk­ing annu­al­ly for Can­cer Ser­vices of Grant County’s Walk of Hope, vol­un­teer­ing for the Unit­ed Way of Grant Coun­ty, and par­tic­i­pat­ing in local parades. NSW is active­ly involved with Greater Grant Coun­ty, the local cham­ber of commerce.

Find out much more about NSW includ­ing all loca­tions, ser­vices, work­shops, and con­nec­tions at nsw​cares​.com. You may also fol­low face​book​.com/​n​s​w​cares.

Authored by:
Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, City of Marion

Nom­i­nat­ed by:
Kylie Jack­son, Greater Grant County

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