
National Day of Prayer & Continuous Invitation to Pray Weekly with the Mayor Share

May 7, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Today (May 7th, 2020) is Nation­al Day of Prayer. This day falls on the first Thurs­day of May. The City of Mar­i­on would nor­mal­ly gath­er and join hands with prayer lead­ers from all over the city. This year, we encour­age you to pray with us some­time and/​or through­out the day today. Please stay safe and healthy, and keep the faith that our com­mu­ni­ty, coun­try, and world will heal from this time of cru­cial need.

Addi­tion­al­ly, May­or Jess Alum­baugh reminds us that even though the phys­i­cal invi­ta­tion to gath­er each Mon­day at City Hall is sus­pend­ed until fur­ther notice, the invi­ta­tion to pray each Mon­day morn­ing at 7:30 is strong­ly encour­aged. He will be pray­ing from his home, and he hopes you will join him in spir­it to guide his lead­er­ship and to pray for the safe­ty, health, good­ness, and strength of the entire Mar­i­on community. 

Dur­ing this vul­ner­a­ble time, the May­or asks that we look out for each oth­er, espe­cial­ly the elder­ly and gen­er­al at-risk population.

Thank you for pray­ing and stay­ing faithful.

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