Morrell Floor Covering Share

Sep 1, 2022  |  Web Administrator

Robert and Bren­da Mor­rell start­ed Mor­rell Floor Cov­er­ing in 1961 in their home city of Mar­i­on. They set out to cre­ate their busi­ness with the dream of pro­vid­ing a gen­uine ser­vice to their com­mu­ni­ty as a fam­i­ly. Over 60 years lat­er, that dream is thriv­ing. Mor­rell Floor Cov­er­ing has become a major busi­ness in the floor cov­er­ing indus­try, receiv­ing recog­ni­tion for the ser­vices that they offer with a 12,000 square-foot show­room, ware­house, and two retail storefronts.

Mar­i­on is my home city where I was born. I love Mar­i­on and the peo­ple. Being able to serve peo­ple is very reward­ing. My dream for my busi­ness was for my fam­i­ly to work with me in the busi­ness. That dream came true for my wife Bren­da and I. I love to work and do what I do. My job has nev­er been a job to me. I always looked at it as a hob­by because I enjoyed it so much. I start­ed work­ing for Dad, then I grad­u­at­ed from high school. My wife and I have been togeth­er in the busi­ness she and I start­ed since 1961, and in 1978, we built the store where we are now. We just cel­e­brat­ed 58 years of mar­riage. The busi­ness has per­se­vered through tough times and is still here by the grace of God.” - Robert Mor­rell

Con­grat­u­la­tions to Robert and Bren­da! Thank you for choos­ing Mar­i­on and Grant County.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it mor​rell​floor​cov​er​ing​.com, or con­tact Mor­rell Floor Cov­er­ing by phone at 765.664.4742, or by email at morrellfloorcovering@​gmail.​com.

Sub­mit­ted by:
James Beyioku
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council