Midwest Coffee Roasting Company Share

Jun 4, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A neigh­bor­hood café pro­duc­ing high-qual­i­ty cof­fee beans and espres­so drinks in the heart of Mar­i­on — Mid­west Cof­fee Roast­ing Com­pa­ny — is one of Marion’s beloved local busi­ness­es. Mid­west Cof­fee is locat­ed in a beau­ti­ful 1920’s Crafts­man style bun­ga­low on Spencer Ave., a street con­tain­ing some of Marion’s most promi­nent 20th cen­tu­ry his­tor­i­cal hous­es. Mid­west Cof­fee has won His­tor­i­cal Preser­va­tion awards for its restora­tion and con­ver­sion of the his­tor­i­cal house into a local cof­fee­house. Today, the cof­fee­house entails a vari­ety of cozy seat­ing options for study­ing and social­iz­ing, and dis­plays local art and news on local events.

Shari and Reid Boult­bee opened Mid­west Cof­fee in 2008, after spend­ing a week train­ing under two Mas­ter Cof­fee Roast­ers in Clear­wa­ter, Flori­da. Over the years, Shari and Reid honed their skills and devel­oped their unique roast­ing method: roast only organ­i­cal­ly grown cof­fee beans, use a slow roast method, and only serve and sell fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee. Mid­west Cof­fee states a sim­ple roast­ing phi­los­o­phy: bring out the unique qual­i­ties of each indi­vid­ual ori­gin and blend by stop­ping the roast at its own sweet spot. Shari is proud to tell her cus­tomers that Mid­west Cof­fee offers the largest col­lec­tion of fresh­ly roast­ed cof­fee beans in Indi­ana — and pro­duces them all in Mar­i­on, Indi­ana!

Shari works hard to edu­cate com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers on the com­plex and intri­cate art of cof­fee mak­ing such as ter­mi­nol­o­gy, roast­ing tech­niques, and infor­ma­tion on the his­to­ry, roast­ing process, and vary­ing ori­gins of cof­fee beans. Shari encour­ages ques­tions from her cus­tomers; she even promis­es to research cof­fee-relat­ed ques­tions if she doesn’t know the answer! Mid­west Cof­fee endeav­ors to pro­vide the fresh­est cup of cof­fee to each cus­tomer. When order­ing through Mid­west Cof­fee online, every order is roast­ed the day that it is shipped!

Dur­ing these last few months, a time that has been try­ing for busi­ness­es across the nation, Mid­west Cof­fee has been sus­tained by their loy­al cus­tomer base. Mid­west Cof­fee con­tin­ues to roast high-qual­i­ty cof­fee beans and espres­so drinks, though with lim­it­ed hours and increased clean­ing pro­ce­dures. Vis­it Mid­west Cof­fee at 1321 W. Spencer Avenue or order their cof­fee beans online at https://​mid​west​-cof​fee​-roast​ing​-com​pa​ny​.salesvu​.com/.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Mikay­la Marazzi
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council