MFD Assistant Chief Tony Fox Share

Jan 7, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment Assis­tant Chief Tony Fox has been serv­ing the cit­i­zens of Mar­i­on for near­ly 20 years. He was hired on as a fire­fight­er by the City of Mar­i­on on Jan­u­ary 29th, 2001, and has since shown great devo­tion to his job, lead­er­ship, and proven responsibility.

Fire Chief Paul David expressed appre­ci­a­tion for Fox for all he has done over the years to improve the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment while advanc­ing in his career. Assis­tant Chief Fox is always will­ing to help out in any way that he can. He has been a great leader with­in the depart­ment. Tony takes charge of all the repairs need­ed to keep our trucks in good work­ing order. Tony works hard at any­thing he does and I know with­out a doubt that when he is assigned a project that it will be done and done right. Tony proved him­self ear­ly in his career by being a great fire­fight­er and edu­cat­ing him­self in what this job entails. Tony is a cer­ti­fied EMT, Haz­ardous Mate­r­i­al Tech­ni­cian, Instruc­tor Two Three, and he served on the Dive Team. We have a lot of good guys on the job, but Tony stands out with his will­ing­ness to help in any way he can. Tony is an asset that will be hard to replace when he leaves this job some day.”

Deputy Chief Justin Planck expressed grat­i­tude for Fox’s strong work eth­ic and unwa­ver­ing reli­a­bil­i­ty. Assis­tant Chief Tony Fox con­tin­ues to go above and beyond, and we appre­ci­ate him for it. From keep­ing the fire trucks in order, to lead­ing his shift, Tony has been one the depart­ment can always count on. He’s a plea­sure to work with and wants noth­ing but the best for the Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment. We thank Assis­tant Chief Fox for his efforts and want to make sure it does­n’t go unnoticed.”

Fox has been an Assis­tant Chief for six years. He leads one of three shifts (B‑Shift), which con­sists of 16 – 18 fire­fight­ers. Fox reflect­ed on his time in lead­er­ship and his over­all expe­ri­ence with MFD. The team­work has been great with the fire crews. We have a good bunch of guys, and I give the whole depart­ment cred­it for their ded­i­ca­tion to the community…it’s been superior.”

Fox also expressed grat­i­fi­ca­tion in get­ting to serve an impor­tant role in the com­mu­ni­ty in pub­lic safe­ty. I real­ly get ful­fill­ment in help­ing peo­ple, espe­cial­ly for my home­town. I have always lived in Mar­i­on, and I know a lot of peo­ple in the community.”

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