Press Release

MFD Adds New Fire Truck to Fleet offering Improved Features Share

Aug 23, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The City of Mar­i­on recent­ly pur­chased a 2019 Rosen­bauer Fire Engine. The new truck is state-of-the-art, and was need­ed to update MFD’s fleet. 

2019 Rosenbauer

The new Rosen­bauer is capa­ble of flow­ing up to 1,500 gal­lons of water per minute, and also has foam capa­bil­i­ties for fight­ing petro­le­um fires (with a foam blan­ket to smoth­er the fire ver­sus push­ing petro­le­um around spread­ing the fire from using just water). The engine offers new safe­ty and maneu­ver­abil­i­ty fea­tures such as a pas­sen­ger-side rearview cam­era and front-posi­tioned pas­sen­ger side mir­ror to assist the engi­neer (dri­ver), as well as equip­ment acces­si­bil­i­ty fea­tures such as a mechan­i­cal lad­der unloader to assist fire­fight­ers dur­ing emer­gen­cies, and much more.

The Rosen­bauer will be used, first, to train MFD per­son­nel on the new engine to bet­ter inform fire­fight­ers of its capa­bil­i­ties. The truck will then be put in ser­vice once remain­ing equip­ment for it is received. (Due to COVID, deliv­ery for cer­tain equip­ment for the new truck is delayed; it will be 30 – 45 days before it is put it in ser­vice for actu­al emergencies).

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