
Message from the Mayor: Traveling Town Hall Meetings Coming Soon! Share

Mar 12, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Dear Res­i­dents of Marion,

This Summer/​Fall, we are thrilled to intro­duce our inau­gur­al Trav­el­ing Town­hall Meet­ings” ini­tia­tive! As part of our com­mit­ment to trans­paren­cy and com­mu­ni­ty engage­ment, myself and all depart­ment heads will be host­ing a 2‑hour meet­ing in each of your dis­tricts. This annu­al event aims to keep you informed about the lat­est devel­op­ments in the City of Marion.

Venue: To make it con­ve­nient for you, each meet­ing will take place at a venue with­in your dis­trict. This unique oppor­tu­ni­ty allows you to stay in the know, and fos­ters a new lev­el of trans­paren­cy in local gov­ern­ment. Your par­tic­i­pa­tion is cru­cial in mak­ing our com­mu­ni­ty stronger and more informed. Please keep an eye out for the sched­uled meet­ing date in your dis­trict. We can’t wait to con­nect with you! 

Your pres­ence and engage­ment will con­tribute to the suc­cess of these gath­er­ings. Thank you for your con­tin­ued support!

Best regards,
May­or Morrell

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