Max "Do it Best" Hardware Share

Jan 10, 2019  |  Web Administrator

Max Do it Best” Hard­ware (for­mer­ly known as Mac’s Ace Hard­ware) has been a well-known, fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed, local hard­ware store in Mar­i­on since the 1960s. The busi­ness was estab­lished in 1956 by Glen McDaniel, first as a hatch­ery, and then a lawn and gar­den store. Max offers sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of ser­vices from key cut­ting and re-key­ing locks, and has just about every­thing a per­son needs for main­te­nance or repairs. If some­thing is not avail­able, they are more than will­ing to order it.

This past July, the Mar­i­on – Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Com­merce and mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty were present to help cel­e­brate the new­ own­er of the store, Eventt Nor­ris. The pre­vi­ous own­ers Pam and Sue Ann, grand­daugh­ters of Glen McDaniel, were also in atten­dance. They had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to express their grat­i­tude to the com­mu­ni­ty for con­tin­u­ous sup­port while wel­com­ing Eventt as the new own­er with open arms. With Max Do it Best” Hardware’s main goal being to remain fam­i­ly-ori­ent­ed and a go-to place for hard­ware needs, they are sure to make a dif­fer­ence here in Mar­i­on and Grant County.

Sub­mit­ted by:

Emon Jones

Mar­i­on — Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce