
Masks Required at City Hall Beginning Monday, 12/13/21 Share

Dec 9, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Effec­tive Mon­day, Decem­ber 13th, 2021, mem­bers of the pub­lic enter­ing City Hall will be required to wear a mask and main­tain a social dis­tance of six (6) feet while in City Hall and all oth­er City facil­i­ties, until fur­ther notice. 

The mea­sure is being imple­ment­ed in response to Grant Coun­ty’s ris­ing COVID-19 case num­bers, and fall in line with the Grant Coun­ty Gov­ern­ment Com­plex’s recent mask require­ment announcement.

City of Mar­i­on employ­ees will be fol­low­ing these guide­lines unless work­ing alone at their workstation.

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