Press Release

Lt. Gov. Crouch, IHCDA Launch Crowdfunding Campaign for Charles Mill Park Fitness Station Share

May 22, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Lt. Gov. Crouch, IHC­DA Launch Crowd­fund­ing Cam­paign for Marion’s Charles Mill Park Fit­ness Sta­tion: $50,000 goal to receive match­ing grant through IHCDA’s Cre­at­INg Places” initiative

Grant Coun­ty res­i­dents will have space to pri­or­i­tize their health and fit­ness if the City of Marion’s part­nered Crowd­fund­ing Cam­paign reach­es its goal of rais­ing $50,000 by July, 2024. If suc­cess­ful, the project led by the City will receive a match­ing grant as part of the Indi­ana Hous­ing and Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Authority’s Cre­at­INg Places pro­gram.

Funds from the cam­paign will be used to prep and land­scape the site, then install a Nation­al Fit­ness Cam­paign Fit­ness Court™ at Charles Mill Park (919 N. Wash­ing­ton St., Mar­i­on, Indi­ana, 46952). The out­door gym will include con­nect­ed, dig­i­tal plat­forms for pub­lic use and body­weight cir­cuit training.

Since the Cre­at­INg Places pro­gram began in 2016, its projects have raised more than $10.8 mil­lion in pub­lic funds and an addi­tion­al $9.1 mil­lion in match­ing IHC­DA funds. The pro­gram is avail­able to projects locat­ed in Indi­ana com­mu­ni­ties. Non­prof­it enti­ties (with 501c3 or 501c4 sta­tus) and local units of gov­ern­ment are eli­gi­ble to apply. Eli­gi­ble projects must have a min­i­mum total devel­op­ment cost of $10,000, where the recip­i­ent will receive $5,000 in IHC­DA match­ing funds should it suc­cess­ful­ly raise $5,000 through Patron­ic­i­ty. The IHC­DA pro­vides match­ing grant funds of up to $50,000 per project.

There are sev­er­al tiers for dona­tions under Marion’s Crowd­fund­ing Cam­paign. To donate or learn more, please click here.

The City of Mar­i­on encour­ages any dona­tion large or small (not to exceed $10,000 per dona­tion to meet pro­gram guide­lines) in order to meet the goal for the community’s ulti­mate benefit.

Media Con­tact:
Dr. Jef­frey Reyes
Grant Writer
City of Marion

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