Lolas' at the Inn Share

Jun 8, 2023  |  Web Administrator

Lola’ means grand­moth­er’ in Taga­log, the lan­guage of the Philip­pines. Andrea Vin­lu­an, co-man­ag­er of Lolas’ at the Inn and Col­lege Inn Bed and Break­fast, joint­ly owned by her father, Dar­rell Thomp­son, and her broth­er, Jor­don Thomp­son of Thomp­son Man­age­ment LLC, was the first of the two oper­a­tions man­agers to become a grand­moth­er. As her hus­band is Fil­ipino, her grand­son calls her Lola.” The name seemed fit­ting for the space since both Andrea and Krista Brown, co-man­ag­er, are grandmothers.

Friends for over two decades, Andrea and Krista have worked togeth­er in many capac­i­ties includ­ing an Airbnb busi­ness that they start­ed with their hus­bands in 2019. When they took over man­age­ment of the Col­lege Inn in 2023, they knew that part of the plan would be to open the Lolas’ at the Inn cof­fee­house. They said it fits per­fect­ly into their desire to cre­ate a wel­com­ing and engag­ing space, and they love see­ing the com­mu­ni­ty come togeth­er in the space they dreamed of.

The house that Lolas’ is locat­ed was the boy­hood home of Andrea and Krista’s friends. They expressed the joy that it has been to walk in those same halls and rooms and know that a spe­cial fam­i­ly lived and loved well in the space. The lega­cy and bless­ing of that fam­i­ly and that home is some­thing they said they nev­er want to take for grant­ed. Thus, their dream for Lolas’ at the Inn is to become a place where peo­ple want to be” and to pro­vide a wel­com­ing, invit­ing space to encour­age com­mu­ni­ty and conversation.” 

Lolas’ at the Inn offers a friend­ly, invit­ing envi­ron­ment, cof­fee cake and scones, and fresh brew and spe­cial­ty cof­fees served with Hen­ry’s Fresh Roast cof­fee. They also offer a vari­ety of teas and lemon­ades. They recent­ly expand­ed hours for the sum­mer to be open more through­out the day on week­days, except Friday. 

Lolas’ at the Inn also offers cof­fee and pas­try ser­vice for out­side events. For the future, they are excit­ed about the pos­si­bil­i­ties of their out­door space and broad­en­ing their options for host­ing pri­vate events.

Sub­mit­ted by:
James Beyioku
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council

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