Press Release

Kiwanis Club Gets Grant for Handicap-Friendly Playground Features in Townsend Park Share

May 31, 2018  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The Mar­i­on Kiwa­nis Club has received grant dol­lars to fund two addi­tion­al pieces of play­ground equip­ment for Clif­ford Townsend Park. The $1,752 grant from the Indi­ana Kiwa­nis Foun­da­tion will fund:

  • A Hand­i­cap-acces­si­ble Buzzy Bum­ble Bee” (two-seater)
  • 6‑foot Curved Bal­ance Beam acces­si­ble to chil­dren with disabilities

This is the sec­ond grant the Mar­i­on Kiwa­nis Club has received for the park. Both grants were writ­ten by Kiwa­nis Club mem­ber, Car­ol Sect­tor, with input from sev­er­al oth­er Kiwa­nis mem­bers. We encour­age all ser­vice clubs and orga­ni­za­tions to part­ner with the City. That’s how things will get even bet­ter in the com­mu­ni­ty,” said Secttor.

The Mar­i­on Kiwa­nis Club adopt­ed Townsend Park in 2012. They have since tak­en care of the Park by pick­ing up lit­ter, adding fresh pea grav­el, and plant­i­ng flow­ers among oth­er tasks.

Kiwa­nis mem­ber, Jan Scott, explained why it’s impor­tant to main­tain Townsend Park. It’s heav­i­ly used by the inner-city kids, and the Kiwa­nis Club is all about sup­port­ing chil­dren.” She also com­mend­ed the City­wide Main­te­nance Depart­ment for the focus they have been tak­ing to improve Townsend Park by trim­ming trees and putting a new roof on the shelter.

The addi­tion­al play­ground equip­ment will be installed this sum­mer, and the Mar­i­on Kiwa­nis Club will ded­i­cate it as part of their 100_year anniver­sary cel­e­bra­tion this fall.

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