Julie Fauser Share

Feb 8, 2018  |  Web Administrator

Julie Fauser has been with the Parks & Recre­ation Depart­ment since Feb­ru­ary 21st, 2012. Julie is basi­cal­ly respon­si­ble for devel­op­ing pro­grams for youth and adults. She pro­motes new and exist­ing pro­grams and facil­i­ties with­in our Parks in our com­mu­ni­ty. She assists in orga­niz­ing, direct­ing and con­trol­ling all recre­ation pro­grams and activ­i­ties. She also per­forms var­i­ous cler­i­cal and admin­is­tra­tive duties. Julie man­ages the Gar­den House rentals and every aspect of its dai­ly busi­ness. She also coor­di­nates the Con­certs in the Gar­dens” series in Mat­ter Park each sum­mer. She helps pro­mote and run the Edu­ca­tion Series at the Gar­den House. Julie also serves on our Walk­way of Lights board and helps with the sea­son­al pro­grams. She orga­nizes and runs the Walk­way of Lights Christ­mas Parade every year for the City of Mar­i­on. Julie not only per­forms her duties but helps with many others.q32

Julie works hard lead­ing pro­grams at the Gar­dens, Walk­way of Lights Christ­mas Parade and more…bringing ener­gy, enthu­si­asm, and atten­tion to detail. We appre­ci­ate her ded­i­ca­tion to make our events thrive each year.”

May­or Jess Alumbaugh

Julie Fauser has always been a team play­er and puts on many hats for the Parks Dept. She has a very pos­i­tive and bright per­son­al­i­ty. Julie has been a key to our suc­cess when it comes to the the rentals of the Gar­den House. She is always will­ing to jump in and help at any moment and wher­ev­er need­ed, and has been a plea­sure to work with.”

Rose Cade­na, Parks & Recreation