Indiana Liquor Group Share

Mar 12, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Indi­ana Liquor Group was formed by Mar­i­on native, David Hart­ley, and two oth­er investors in 2018 for the spe­cif­ic pur­pose of pur­chas­ing Save-On Liquor. Since then, they have acquired Muncie Liquors and Boule­vard Liquors. Indi­ana Liquor Group cur­rent­ly oper­ates 37 retail pack­age liquor stores through­out the north-cen­tral part of the state.

Indi­ana Liquor Group’s first pur­chase, Save-On Liquor, con­tin­ues the lega­cy of a clas­sic Hoosier suc­cess sto­ry. Save-On’s orig­i­nal own­er, Phil Miller, pur­chased his first liquor store in 1969 in Mar­i­on, and over the past 50 years worked hard to grow the busi­ness into 31 stores. Miller’s suc­cess was a sim­ple for­mu­la: treat peo­ple well and pro­vide an excel­lent val­ue, and good things will come. After a 50-year career, Miller was ready to retire and enjoy his per­son­al pas­sions and fam­i­ly, and Hart­ley acquired the com­pa­ny.

Over the last two years, David Hart­ley and the Indi­ana Liquor Group team has worked hard to ren­o­vate each of the Save-On Liquor store’s facades and inte­ri­or, increase the selec­tion of craft beers, wine, and alco­hols, and build a friend­ly and knowl­edge­able staff.

Recent­ly, Hart­ley pur­chased the for­mer Mis­sion Mart in cen­tral Mar­i­on and has plans to turn the build­ing into Indi­ana Liquor Group’s head­quar­ters. Indi­ana Liquor Group’s goal is to become one of the best retail­ers of beer, wine, spir­its and tobac­co prod­ucts in Indi­ana. They focus on cus­tomer expe­ri­ence by pro­vid­ing out­stand­ing ser­vice, selec­tion, and val­ue.

Indi­ana Liquor Group looks for­ward to con­tin­ued improve­ments, adding new prod­ucts, and cre­at­ing jobs, as well as grow­ing and expand­ing in Mar­i­on and across the region. The City of Mar­i­on is proud to be the head­quar­ters of a local­ly owned, qual­i­ty liquor chain.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Mikay­la Marazzi
Grant Coun­ty Eco­nom­ic Growth Council