Huhtamaki Share

Oct 3, 2019  |  Web Administrator

Huh­ta­ma­ki Inc. is a glob­al spe­cial­ist in food pack­ag­ing head­quar­tered in Espoo, Fin­land. Cur­rent­ly in Grant Coun­ty, Huh­ta­ma­ki oper­ates a pro­duc­tion plant pri­mar­i­ly man­u­fac­tur­ing press­ware plates and bowls with prod­ucts sold local­ly at Wal­mart, Aldi, and Dol­lar Gen­er­al. Two bil­lion plates and bowls are pro­duced each year in Marion’s plant alone. The prod­uct is pri­vate-label with the retail­ers but made in Mar­i­on. The scrap is then recy­cled and repur­posed for use as oth­er Huh­ta­ma­ki facil­i­ties’ raw mate­r­i­al. Marion’s annu­al recycle/​reclaim rate is >98%…one of the high­est among all North Amer­i­can Huh­ta­ma­ki facilities.

You might remem­ber Huh­ta­ma­ki by anoth­er name (or two). Estab­lished in 2005, Win­ter­field began oper­a­tions as a food pack­ag­ing pro­duc­tion plant in Mar­i­on. In 2008, Win­ter­field acquired anoth­er food prod­uct pack­ag­ing plant in town known as Boots Creek, and oper­at­ed out of both loca­tions. Win­ter­field even­tu­al­ly sold all oper­a­tions of both plants to Huh­ta­ma­ki in 2012. How­ev­er, it wasn’t until 2014 that both loca­tions com­bined under one roof to the 38th Street location.

Plant Man­ag­er Chris Per­ry says the most reward­ing part of Huhtamaki’s busi­ness in Mar­i­on is the growth and suc­cess expe­ri­enced due to engaged, empow­ered employ­ees. Look­ing to the future, Mr. Per­ry said local­ly Huh­ta­ma­ki expects sta­ble jobs with fair wages and ben­e­fits, but glob­al­ly the expec­ta­tion is that focused efforts on new, sus­tain­able, and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pack­ag­ing is the pri­ma­ry goal which leads to cor­po­rate growth organ­i­cal­ly and through acquisition.

Andrea Rade­mak­er, Huhtamaki’s Senior HR Rep and Safe­ty Spe­cial­ist, explained the best part of doing busi­ness in Grant Coun­ty is the sense of com­mu­ni­ty. She said, Our employ­ees know and care about one anoth­er, and have a robust work eth­ic. This makes it pos­si­ble for Huh­ta­ma­ki to come togeth­er in sup­port of Grant Coun­ty out­side of the day-to-day oper­a­tions.” She shared, Huh­ta­ma­ki is very com­mu­ni­ty-mind­ed. We are always look­ing for pro­duc­tive ways to vol­un­teer and make edu­cat­ed dona­tions. Annu­al­ly, we part­ner with St. Martin’s on their Com­mu­ni­ty Gar­den, and most recent­ly we have been work­ing in var­i­ous ways with Sec­ond Har­vest Food Bank. Our employ­ees look for­ward to giv­ing back to the com­mu­ni­ty, and it boosts the employ­ee engage­ment we have suc­ceed­ed in fostering.”

You may con­tact the facil­i­ty at (765) 6770395. Huh­ta­ma­ki is locat­ed at 1001 E. 38th St., A, Mar­i­on, IN 46953.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Brit­tany Howey
Mar­i­on Grant-Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce