Huhtamaki Inc. is a global specialist in food packaging headquartered in Espoo, Finland. Currently in Grant County, Huhtamaki operates a production plant primarily manufacturing pressware plates and bowls with products sold locally at Walmart, Aldi, and Dollar General. Two billion plates and bowls are produced each year in Marion’s plant alone. The product is private-label with the retailers but made in Marion. The scrap is then recycled and repurposed for use as other Huhtamaki facilities’ raw material. Marion’s annual recycle/reclaim rate is >98%…one of the highest among all North American Huhtamaki facilities.
You might remember Huhtamaki by another name (or two). Established in 2005, Winterfield began operations as a food packaging production plant in Marion. In 2008, Winterfield acquired another food product packaging plant in town known as Boots Creek, and operated out of both locations. Winterfield eventually sold all operations of both plants to Huhtamaki in 2012. However, it wasn’t until 2014 that both locations combined under one roof to the 38th Street location.
Plant Manager Chris Perry says the most rewarding part of Huhtamaki’s business in Marion is the growth and success experienced due to engaged, empowered employees. Looking to the future, Mr. Perry said locally Huhtamaki expects stable jobs with fair wages and benefits, but globally the expectation is that focused efforts on new, sustainable, and environmentally friendly packaging is the primary goal which leads to corporate growth organically and through acquisition.
Andrea Rademaker, Huhtamaki’s Senior HR Rep and Safety Specialist, explained the best part of doing business in Grant County is the sense of community. She said, “Our employees know and care about one another, and have a robust work ethic. This makes it possible for Huhtamaki to come together in support of Grant County outside of the day-to-day operations.” She shared, “Huhtamaki is very community-minded. We are always looking for productive ways to volunteer and make educated donations. Annually, we partner with St. Martin’s on their Community Garden, and most recently we have been working in various ways with Second Harvest Food Bank. Our employees look forward to giving back to the community, and it boosts the employee engagement we have succeeded in fostering.”

You may contact the facility at (765) 677‑0395. Huhtamaki is located at 1001 E. 38th St., A, Marion, IN 46953.
Submitted by:
Brittany Howey
Marion Grant-County Chamber of Commerce