Press Release

Historic Euclid Neighborhood Association Gets Grant for Trees, Beautification Share

Mar 26, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The His­toric Euclid Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion is see­ing the fruits of its labor in the form of grant dol­lars for trees to sus­tain and pre­serve the beau­ty and nat­ur­al attrib­ut­es of its boule­vard. Thanks to a grant from the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Grant Coun­ty made pos­si­ble by donors, the Euclid NA received $3,200 toward their pro­ject­ed project cost of $5,500. Most of the bal­ance has already been raised by active mem­bers of the neigh­bor­hood. The neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tion has been work­ing dili­gent­ly to plan a 3‑phase beau­ti­fi­ca­tion project in which trees will be plant­ed along Euclid Avenue to replace trees that have died or fall­en over the years.

The City of Mar­i­on has assist­ed the Euclid team by offer­ing labor & equip­ment (trans­porta­tion, dig­ging, etc.), ensur­ing city dis­counts on mate­ri­als (trees/​mulch), and pro­vid­ing exper­tise and sup­port through­out the process.

The His­toric Euclid Neigh­bor­hood has been a sta­ple in the City of Mar­i­on for over 100 years,” said Michelle Doyle, Euclid Pres­i­dent. The trees lin­ing the street con­tribute to the char­ac­ter that has drawn peo­ple to live here. In order to pre­serve and main­tain the his­toric beau­ty of our street for gen­er­a­tions to come, we would like to plant new trees to sup­ple­ment the old growth land­scape that defines our road.”

Images of select­ed tree species for the project

The plan for the project was care­ful­ly reviewed by May­or Jess Alum­baugh, Chief of Staff Mike Fly­nn, Arborist Phil Pear­son, and Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion Coor­di­na­tor Kay­la Johnson.

Euclid neigh­bors have become more active in work­ing with each oth­er, and have devel­oped new rela­tion­ships. Kay­la John­son says she is grate­ful for the lead­er­ship dis­played and the fos­ter­ing prac­tice that con­tin­ues to help build and main­tain wel­com­ing neigh­bor­hoods in Marion.


Michelle Doyle, Pres­i­dent, His­toric Euclid Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion: michelle@​halstead-​architects.​com

Kay­la John­son, Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion Coor­di­na­tor, City of Mar­i­on: 765.382.3797 / kjohnson@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov

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