Grant's Place Share

Aug 3, 2023  |  Web Administrator

Pass­ing through down­town, you may be greet­ed with music from a vari­ety of gen­res, and if you fol­low your curios­i­ty, you’ll encounter a small burg­er joint called Grant’s Place.” Since March of 2021, Grant’s Place has been serv­ing up burg­ers, fries, and a friend­ly atmos­phere dai­ly on the cor­ner of 5th and Boots Street. Own­er Grant Mat­lock said he opened the restau­rant togeth­er with his wife on her birthday. 

The name, Grant’s Place,” is not only the name­sake of the own­er but also of his late father whom he lost about 12 years ago. Mat­lock said he want­ed to hon­or his father by nam­ing the restau­rant after him. The small build­ing housed a few burg­er joints in its past, but this one is going strong, and con­tin­u­ing to expand,” Mat­lock stat­ed. Since open­ing, Grant’s Place has expand­ed their small indoor space to have a wide vari­ety of out­door seat­ing with bar stools, pic­nic tables, side­walk seat­ing, and most recent­ly a cov­ered pavil­ion. Behind the pavil­ion, you’ll also note a small green­house. Mat­lock hopes to grow his own toma­toes through­out the year as Fried Green Toma­toes” have grown to be pop­u­lar on the menu.

As you spend some time in the restau­rant, you’ll note the eclec­tic style and unique use of the small space. While you wait for your order, there are vin­tage video games to enjoy includ­ing Pac-Man and Street Fight­er II inside the din­ing room, and a dart board on the out­side patio. 

With quick and friend­ly ser­vice, Mat­lock and his team have expand­ed their hours to include break­fast start­ing at 7am, and they stay open until 10pm. Cus­tomers have her­ald­ed grand reviews online rec­om­mend­ing the burg­er, call­ing it the best burg­er in town.” These com­ments could be in part to the fact that every day, the team goes to Horner’s Butch­er Block for their burg­er pat­ties, and they are nev­er frozen. There­fore, grab­bing a burg­er at Grant’s Place allows you to sup­port two local­ly owned small busi­ness­es with your dollars. 

Down­town Mar­i­on is lucky to have this small gem in the neigh­bor­hood,” said Kay­la John­son of Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Down­town. Stop by for deli­cious, afford­able burg­ers and fries, and maybe even play some darts if the weath­er is nice! You won’t regret grab­bing a meal with these guys!”

Open Dai­ly, 7am – 10pm

122 W. 5th Street, Mar­i­on, IN 46952

Face­book: https://​www​.face​book​.com/​p​r​o​f​i​l​e​.​p​h​p​?​i​d​=​100083469452179

Phone: 765.618.0654

Sub­mit­ted by:
Kay­la John­son
Dis­cov­er Mar­i­on Downtown