
Grant County COVID-19 Update, 4/22/20 Share

Apr 22, 2020  |  Web Administrator

The fol­low­ing attach­ment con­tains the lat­est update from the Grant Coun­ty Emer­gency Oper­a­tions Cen­ter (red box). 

A Grant Coun­ty Com­mu­ni­ty Update was also held today on WSOT (Ch. 27) at Noon. It will re-air this evening at 5:30 & 10:30pm, then on Sun­day, April 26th, at 10am & 5:30pm. It will also be uploaded onto the Sun­ny­crest Bap­tist Church Face­book Page. Until fur­ther notice, these Com­mu­ni­ty Updates occur live on TV and Face­book each Wednes­day at Noon.

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