GM Marion Metal Center Share

Oct 1, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Gen­er­al Motors’ Mar­i­on Met­al Cen­ter opened in Mar­i­on in 1956 pro­duc­ing world-class stamped parts, blanks, and met­al assem­blies. Sep­tem­ber, 2021 marked 65 years for GM in Mar­i­on, a mile­stone that is rea­son to cel­e­brate and reflect on the hard work of their cur­rent employ­ees and thou­sands of retirees that spent their careers at the Mar­i­on Met­al Center.

Through­out its his­to­ry, Mar­i­on Met­al Cen­ter has active­ly sup­port­ed the Grant Coun­ty com­mu­ni­ty. Each year, their team sup­ports a vari­ety of local non­prof­its dur­ing GM Cares week. This year, they will have employ­ees vol­un­teer­ing at Can­cer Ser­vices of Grant Coun­ty, St. Martin’s, the Senior Cen­ter, and Humane Soci­ety. Gen­er­al Motors also has a Com­mu­ni­ty Grants pro­gram. This year, the Unit­ed Way and the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Grant Coun­ty will receive grants for spe­cif­ic programs.

GM and the Mar­i­on site have such a great rela­tion­ship with the com­mu­ni­ty on a per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al lev­el. The ongo­ing sup­port of the city and coun­ty lead­ers, as well as the peo­ple who work at and sup­port the plant are invalu­able. We love doing busi­ness in Mar­i­on!” said Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Man­ag­er, Stephanie Mack.

When asked what the future holds, Mack said that their Mar­i­on team remains focused on their cus­tomers and being part of GM’s all-elec­tric future.

For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.gm​.com.

Sub­mit­ted by:

Kylie Jack­son

Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce