
Free Walkway of Lights Bus Rides on 12/18/19, Free Entry on Christmas Day Share

Nov 26, 2019  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on is offer­ing two spe­cial oppor­tu­ni­ties for free entry into the Walk­way of Lights:

On Wednes­day, Decem­ber 18th, 2019, City bus­es will pro­vide free rides through­out the entire evening after com­plet­ing reg­u­lar routes. Any­one inter­est­ed may be picked up from any bus stop on the reg­u­lar route as dri­vers wrap up the day, then will be tak­en to the ter­mi­nal down­town, where refresh­ments will be offered as City bus­es begin spe­cial ser­vice through the Walk­way of Lights from 6pm all the way till 10pm. At the end of the night, patrons will be returned to the ter­mi­nal then tak­en to respec­tive bus stops. ADA para­tran­sit ser­vice is avail­able upon request. Please call before the 18th to reserve this ser­vice at 765.668.4455.

On Wednes­day, Decem­ber 25th, 2019, all entry into the Walk­way of Lights will be free of charge. The sched­ule will be the same, from 6 – 10pm.

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