Folkie's Tavern Share

May 7, 2020  |  Web Administrator

Folkie’s Tav­ern real­ly is a place where every­one knows your name. You hang out with old friends and make new ones. Don’t we all want a great place like that?

Folkie’s was estab­lished in 1941 by Bar­nett Folk. Steve Schrad­er and his wife, Dar­nell, took own­er­ship in 1979. It has been a sta­ple to Down­town Mar­i­on ever since! You can expect excel­lent food. Some crowd-pleasers include the rib­eye sand­wich, grilled chick­en sand­wich, and asi­a­go cheese soup. A favorite menu item is Darnell’s House Sal­ad which is not shy with the bacon. You will find dai­ly lunch spe­cials as well, which are avail­able on Face­book or by join­ing the email list. They offer car­ry-out, deliv­ery, and have Folkie’s Bucks or gift cards in $5 incre­ments. Due to COVID-19 issues, they are cur­rent­ly open for car­ry-out only on Fri­days from 3 – 6pm.

(Pho­to cour­tesy of Son­ny’s Crab Racing)

In addi­tion to great food, you can find great enter­tain­ment! Join the fun with week­ly Karaōke on Wednes­days, the ever-pop­u­lar and event­ful Crab Races on Thurs­days, and starter-par­ties with free appe­tiz­ers on Fri­days. From May through Octo­ber, you will find the out­door tent-cov­ered patio as a great place to gath­er and enjoy the nice weather.

Folkie’s loves our com­mu­ni­ty as much as we love it! Right now, they are hop­ing to cre­ate a mur­al on the south wall and are hop­ing to work with a local artist or artists. If you have ideas for the mur­al or are hop­ing to cre­ate the design and paint it, please sub­mit your ideas to folkiestavern@​hotmail.​com. The win­ner will win a gift card!

Folkie’s Tav­ern is locat­ed at:
117 S. Bran­son St.
Mar­i­on, IN 46952


Sub­mit­ted by:
Rachel Creech, Board Mem­ber
Main Street Marion