Faith in Motion Share

Aug 6, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

RaChelle Fears-Neal knew in her heart that when she took her first dance class at 3 years old she would have her own dance stu­dio one day. Faith in Motion began as a youth dance min­istry at her child­hood church, Allen Tem­ple AME. She worked at a mobile dance min­istry for years, trav­el­ing to Wabash, Koko­mo, and through­out Mar­i­on teach­ing dance to church min­istries and schools like White’s Res­i­den­tial, Fam­i­ly Ser­vices, Lake­view, and Indi­ana Wes­leyan Uni­ver­si­ty. As her clien­tele con­tin­ued to grow, she knew she need­ed some­thing more. At that time, she began rent­ing a facil­i­ty so peo­ple could come to her for class­es. It is now offi­cial­ly known as Faith in Motion, locat­ed at 501 S. Wash­ing­ton St.

Faith in Motion is a wor­ship facil­i­ty that offers dance instruc­tion in the gen­res of tap, jazz, bal­let, pointe, mod­ern, and divine which is more of a wor­ship-style dance found in church­es. Fears-Neal said they are com­mit­ted to offer­ing this instruc­tion with­out com­pro­mis­ing lyrics or move­ments and that one does not have to be a believ­er or belong to a par­tic­u­lar denom­i­na­tion to be a part of the Faith in Motion fam­i­ly, mak­ing it a nice com­mu­ni­ty with which to be con­nect­ed. They also have hydraulic fit­ness machines in their Revive fit­ness gym.

They cur­rent­ly have three employ­ees — Mor­gan Lara, Assis­tant Direc­tor; Mar­lan­na Mur­gaw, Senior Dance Instruc­tor; and Tina Brooks, Receptionist/​Audio Tech.

Due to Covid-19, they are cur­rent­ly closed. As long as things go well, they antic­i­pate open­ing in Sep­tem­ber with reg­u­lar hours of Mon., Tues., and Thurs., 4 to 8:45pm.

When asked what advice she would give a woman con­sid­er­ing open­ing her own busi­ness, she said,

As writ­ten in Habakkuk 2:2, Then the LORD replied: Write down the rev­e­la­tion and make it plain on tablets so that a her­ald may run with it.’ Write down every thought, every idea, every wish and dream! No mat­ter how big or small, write it in as much detail as you can vision – be spe­cif­ic. (You will lat­er take the notes from your jour­nal to devel­op your busi­ness plan). Then, begin to work the plan dai­ly. Some days you will make huge strides; oth­er days not so much. But you’ll nev­er make it if you allow fear and doubt to keep you from mov­ing in the direc­tion that you desire. Your tongue has the pow­er of life and death. Speak life’ into your dream…square your shoul­ders and walk it out con­fi­dent­ly. The sky is the lim­it. Shoot for the moon – even if you miss, you’ll be among the stars!”

Sub­mit­ted by:
Rachel Creech
Main Street Marion