Evelyn Detamore Share

Jan 7, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Mar­i­on High School senior, Eve­lyn Deta­more, is not only an exem­plary stu­dent and young adult, but strives to help oth­ers through aca­d­e­mics and her career path in addi­tion to com­mu­ni­ty involvement.

In 2020, Deta­more won the Dis­tin­guished Women of Grant Coun­ty com­pe­ti­tion (head­ing to state in Feb­ru­ary), and was one of two Grant Coun­ty stu­dents to receive the esteemed Lil­ly Schol­ar­ship. Both pro­grams weigh mul­ti­ple pil­lars from aca­d­e­mics to civic ser­vice to select the most well-round­ed young peo­ple. She was also rec­og­nized for excel­lence through the Nation­al Col­lege Board which cre­ates the SAT and PSAT.

Deta­more loves aca­d­e­m­ic and extracur­ric­u­lar team­work to learn and stay busy. She is a fierce com­po­nent of her Aca­d­e­m­ic Super­bowl team. As a sopho­more, her inter­dis­ci­pli­nary team tied for 2nd place in a state com­pe­ti­tion. Deta­more swam fresh­man year, and is ded­i­cat­ed in show choir to build vocal tal­ent while stay­ing active through dance.

Deta­more is an active play­er in the Nation­al Hon­or Soci­ety, and vice-pres­i­dent of the math club, Mu Alpha Theta. Through both groups, she has tak­en advan­tage of vol­un­teer­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties such as serv­ing food at the Grant Coun­ty Res­cue Mis­sion and fundrais­ing for the Sal­va­tion Army.

Out­side of school, Deta­more finds ful­fill­ment in help­ing oth­ers local­ly and trav­el­ing to help church­es through Col­lege Wes­leyan Church pro­grams. She also loves help­ing chil­dren and babysits in and around her neighborhood.

She expressed grate­ful­ness for the growth, yet small-town charm, she sees in her com­mu­ni­ty. My fam­i­ly is from Mar­i­on, so I love con­nect­ing with oth­ers such as run­ning into peo­ple at the store.” She’s thank­ful for down­town growth, notic­ing more restau­rants, and the col­lec­tive work being done through IWU part­ner­ships, for example.

Regard­ing her dri­ve to help oth­ers, Deta­more said, I love to do things any way I can to help peo­ple.” She found suc­cess in the midst of an adverse year by being in a study group. We pushed each oth­er to learn, and cre­at­ed friend­ly com­pe­ti­tion.” She would use unex­pect­ed amounts of free time for healthy hob­bies such as singing and paint­ing. She also rec­og­nized and encour­ages oth­ers to uti­lize the vast world of online learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. She said one peer used extra time to learn anoth­er language.

Deta­more will use her Lil­ly Schol­ar­ship to attend either Notre Dame or Pur­due, and plans to major in Actu­ary Sci­ence or Sta­tis­tics focus­ing on risk man­age­ment to help oth­ers make good decisions.

Mar­i­on High School Prin­ci­pal, Kei­th Burke, holds high praise for Deta­more. Eve­lyn is a won­der­ful and even bet­ter human being. She is involved in numer­ous aca­d­e­m­ic teams, and also is a very tal­ent­ed vocal­ist! We are very proud of Eve­lyn for all that she has accom­plished, and her tal­ents will lead her to a GIANT suc­cess in the future.”