"Engine 6 Team" Share

Oct 30, 2017  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The City of Mar­i­on’s Employ­ee Spot­light for Octo­ber is a team of Mar­i­on Fire Fight­ers: Cap­tain Jor­dan Lamb, Fire Pre­ven­tion Offi­cer Chad Jenk­ins, Engi­neer Stephen John­son II, and Fire­fight­er Tharis Jones.

On 9/17/17, Capt. Lamb, Eng. Jenk­ins, Eng. John­son, and Pvt. Jones of Engine 6 arrived on the scene of a shoot­ing at W. Colo­nial Dr. and S. Home Ave.

Cap­tain Lamb report­ed, “(We) found patient lying on his back bare­ly breath­ing with a gun­shot wound to the upper groin. We found the wound and applied direct pres­sure. While doing that we also were able to estab­lish an air­way with an op air­way and we start­ed breath­ing for the patient with the bag valve mask hooked to oxy­gen at 15L per minute. MGH EMS then arrived on scene and took over all pri­ma­ry care of the patient. I stepped away because dis­patch radioed me want­i­ng to know where the land­ing zone would be for the heli­copter. I advised dis­patch to send Cen­ter Town­ship to the VA on the very north­west sec­tion of the cam­pus to set up the land­ing zone. I then went back to help­ing with the patient. We loaded the patient onto the cot and into the back of the ambu­lance. I then walked over to the VA to show Cen­ter town­ship exact­ly where I want­ed the land­ing zone. Eng. John­son drove and Pvt. Jones and Eng. Jenk­ins rode in the back of the ambu­lance to the land­ing zone. We stood by while wait­ing for the heli­copter to arrive. Once the heli­copter arrived, we unloaded the patient onto Luther­an Air’s cot. Right after we did the patient cod­ed. We then loaded the patient back into the ambu­lance and began CPR. Myself and Eng. Jenk­ins rotat­ed with com­pres­sions while Pvt. Jones assist­ed the para­medics and flight staff. We went en route to MGH by ground. 2 min­utes before we arrived we were able to get a pulse back on the patient and sta­bi­lize him. Once arriv­ing at MGH, we imme­di­ate­ly took the patient upstairs and loaded him onto the heli­copter which had flown from the VA to MGH helipad.”

In a let­ter to Mar­i­on Fire Chief Geoff Williams, Grant Coun­ty Sher­iff Reg­gie Nevels said, Two Mar­i­on Police Offi­cers were first on scene and were try­ing to find the shoot­er, secure wit­ness­es, assess vital signs of the vic­tim, and pro­tect evi­dence all at the same time. The offi­cers were able to access the victim’s con­di­tion briefly and noti­fied dis­patch­ers that an ambu­lance was need­ed in an urgent mat­ter. It is when Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment Sta­tion 6 arrived that I would like to address. Although it was unknown where the shoot­er was, who the shoot­er was, and what dan­ger laid ahead, the fol­low­ing Fire Fight­ers jumped into action with­out hes­i­ta­tion: Cap­tain Jor­dan Lamb, Fire Fight­er Tharis Jones, Engi­neer Stephen John­son II, and Fire Pre­ven­tion Offi­cer Chad Jenk­ins. They did an excel­lent job of treat­ing the patient and even­tu­al­ly saved his life. This unit stopped the bleed­ing by one per­son apply­ing pres­sure to the wound as oth­ers placed a tourni­quet above the wound. The vic­tim had lost a lot of blood and the Fire Fight­ers stayed with the ambu­lance per­son­nel as they con­tin­ued treat­ment. It was lat­er learned that as the vic­tim was being loaded into the heli­copter for trans­port he cod­ed” and was rushed to Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal by a Para­medic unit and the per­son­nel of Sta­tion #6. While on the way to Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal the vic­tim was sta­bi­lized and flown to a Fort Wayne Hos­pi­tal where he has under­gone sev­er­al surg­eries and is expect­ed to come through this ordeal with his life and his leg. When the vic­tim was shot, the bul­let nicked the femoral artery of his left leg which as you know usu­al­ly is a fatal injury; how­ev­er, the quick response to the scene and actions of Sta­tion #6 tru­ly saved this man’s life.”

Con­grat­u­la­tions, Capt. Lamb, FPO Jenk­ins, Eng. John­son, and Pvt. Jones, on a job per­formed excep­tion­al­ly through team­work and focus. Thanks to your actions, a man is alive and recov­er­ing. We are proud of our Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment, our Mar­i­on Police, and all the oth­er agen­cies involved in response to this incident.

The Employ­ee Spot­light award is giv­en as a result of a rec­om­men­da­tion by the employ­ee’s direct super­vi­sor. The pur­pose of the Employ­ee Spot­light is to rec­og­nize the out­stand­ing work of City of Mar­i­on employ­ees as well as build morale by pro­vid­ing anoth­er source of recog­ni­tion for great work or a dis­play of great character.