Eng. Heath Duke, Eng. Monty Smith, Pvt. Mikel Neal, & Pvt. Nate Duke Share

Dec 5, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

On Novem­ber 14th, 2019, Mar­i­on fire­fight­ers res­cued a dis­abled man from his bed­room while his house was on fire.

The Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment was dis­patched to a home in the 2200 block of S. Waite St. for a report­ed smoke inves­ti­ga­tion. When the ini­tial fire crews arrived, they dis­cov­ered smoke and flames com­ing through an area of the home.

While mov­ing through the house, they found 73-year-old dis­abled res­i­dent, George Smoot, in his bed­room. They res­cued him from the burn­ing home and called for an ambu­lance. Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal Para­medics arrived on the scene, then took over the care of Mr. Smoot. After para­medics assessed Smoot, and the home’s oth­er occu­pant, Mrs. Ollie Smoot, they were released to their fam­i­ly at the scene.

Elec­tri­cal and gas lines were dis­con­nect­ed at the res­i­dence and mul­ti­ple crews worked to fight the blaze until it was extin­guished. Fire Chief Geoff Williams said the source of the fire was deter­mined to be in the util­i­ty room near the elec­tri­cal meter.

After the inci­dent, Chief Williams com­mend­ed Engine 6 B‑Shift for the res­cue of the dis­abled res­i­dent. These four fire­fight­ers did an excel­lent job. I could­n’t be more proud of them. Mar­i­on’s fire­fight­ers, com­mit­ted to train­ing, work­ing togeth­er as a team, and sav­ing a life. It all added up and they were the best they could be that day.”

The Engine 6 B‑Shift fire­fight­ers include Engi­neer Heath Duke, Engi­neer Mon­ty Smith, Pri­vate Mikel Neal, and Pri­vate Nate Duke.