Echo Gallery Share

Feb 4, 2021  |  Web Administrator

Echo Gallery own­er and founder, Tashe­ma Davis, has become a real MVP’ in Down­town Mar­i­on. She is an art teacher at Mar­i­on High School who has tak­en her pas­sion for art and turned it into an inspi­ra­tional avenue for artists of all types. She was sec­ond-place win­ner in Com­mu­ni­ty Pitch Night which afford­ed her to bring alive her vision.

Pho­to by Mil­ly Walker

Echo first began at the Boston Hill Cen­ter, but it did not take long for Davis’ vision — for the city, by the city” – to take off, and she need­ed a big­ger space. She now has a full store­front locat­ed down­town. She said that Mar­i­on need­ed an art gallery where local artists which include stu­dents and adults alike, may dis­play their works.

Tashe­ma also has a vision to bring out the artist in every­one, so she offers a vari­ety of paint­ing class­es in her stu­dio for a very rea­son­able charge. A stan­dard art night will cost only $10 for at least a $20 val­ue. While the coun­ty was on lock­down, she took time to do free class­es online live, which still occur from time to time. There are also craft days and now pot­tery paint­ing. She con­tin­ues to find new ways to teach both the begin­ner and the experienced.

You will also find in the front of her stu­dio, show­cased and for sale, works from local artists. She show­cas­es a new one each month and pro­vides a time to meet the artist as well. While vis­it­ing, don’t for­get the lit­tle gift shop where Tashe­ma has writ­ten and illus­trat­ed 7 children’s books as well as even more local artists’ works. And if that is not enough, you may book pri­vate paint­ing parties!

Pho­to by Kris­sy Schroder

When asked for her advice to future entre­pre­neurs, she said, Remem­ber your WHY.’ Stay the course, and do not be afraid to let oth­ers assist you if they under­stand and respect your vision.”

Tashe­ma is exact­ly what it means to be for her community.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Rachel Creech
Main Street Marion

Echo Gallery
209 S. Wash­ing­ton St, Mar­i­on, Indi­ana