Dr. Jeanne Argot Share

Oct 6, 2017  |  Web Administrator

Dr. Jeanne Argot, a long­time res­i­dent of Mar­i­on, was born in east­ern Penn­syl­va­nia in 1936. She grew up in the coun­try­side near Pocono Lake. Argot devel­oped a pas­sion for nature and biol­o­gy. Although attend­ing col­lege was far-fetched dur­ing those years, she pur­sued edu­ca­tion to the max, first attend­ing col­lege for two-years and becom­ing licensed to work as a med­ical lab­o­ra­to­ry tech­ni­cian at a Penn­syl­va­nia hos­pi­tal. While employed, she pur­sued and achieved her bachelor’s, master’s, then final­ly grad­u­at­ed with a doc­tor­al degree in Biol­o­gy in 1969. She then taught for a col­lege in Annville, PA for the fol­low­ing 10 years at which time she received a call from the dean of Mar­i­on Col­lege offer­ing her a posi­tion to revamp their med­ical lab tech program.

She accept­ed the offer, and led the pro­gram for 21 straight years, devel­op­ing it into an accred­it­ed two-year pro­gram*. That pro­gram even­tu­al­ly end­ed due to dwin­dling inter­est and her role was no longer need­ed, but she con­tin­ued to work for the uni­ver­si­ty under the Build­ing and Grounds Depart­ment, plant­i­ng flow­ers, land­scap­ing, and doing any­thing to main­tain the beau­ty of the cam­pus. She served in the phys­i­cal­ly active role for 16 years until she retired in 2000 just before her 65th birthday.

Upon retire­ment, Argot’s days of pur­pose were not near an end. She served in Africa as a vol­un­teer in min­istries, teach­ing and help­ing orga­niz­ing libraries and Bible col­leges. She has also served count­less hours vol­un­teer­ing for numer­ous orga­ni­za­tions in Grant Coun­ty includ­ing the Sal­va­tion Army, Bridges to Health, Meals on Wheels, Mar­i­on Gen­er­al Hos­pi­tal, St. Mar­tin Food Pantry, and Fam­i­ly Life Care. She gives to char­i­ties and formed an IWU schol­ar­ship after her late nephew, Elvin Huyard.

I like to keep busy. God has been good to me and has let me live a good life, so I just want to be use­ful and help out when I can,” explained Argot.

*Note: IWU cur­rent­ly offers a B.S. degree in Med­ical Tech­nol­o­gy which requires three years of uni­ver­si­ty study and a full year of clin­i­cal expe­ri­ence in an approved hospital.

Click below for the offi­cial doc­u­ment with a photo.

Pho­to cour­tesy of the Triangle.