Dr. Jeanne Argot, a longtime resident of Marion, was born in eastern Pennsylvania in 1936. She grew up in the countryside near Pocono Lake. Argot developed a passion for nature and biology. Although attending college was far-fetched during those years, she pursued education to the max, first attending college for two-years and becoming licensed to work as a medical laboratory technician at a Pennsylvania hospital. While employed, she pursued and achieved her bachelor’s, master’s, then finally graduated with a doctoral degree in Biology in 1969. She then taught for a college in Annville, PA for the following 10 years at which time she received a call from the dean of Marion College offering her a position to revamp their medical lab tech program.
She accepted the offer, and led the program for 21 straight years, developing it into an accredited two-year program*. That program eventually ended due to dwindling interest and her role was no longer needed, but she continued to work for the university under the Building and Grounds Department, planting flowers, landscaping, and doing anything to maintain the beauty of the campus. She served in the physically active role for 16 years until she retired in 2000 just before her 65th birthday.
Upon retirement, Argot’s days of purpose were not near an end. She served in Africa as a volunteer in ministries, teaching and helping organizing libraries and Bible colleges. She has also served countless hours volunteering for numerous organizations in Grant County including the Salvation Army, Bridges to Health, Meals on Wheels, Marion General Hospital, St. Martin Food Pantry, and Family Life Care. She gives to charities and formed an IWU scholarship after her late nephew, Elvin Huyard.
“I like to keep busy. God has been good to me and has let me live a good life, so I just want to be useful and help out when I can,” explained Argot.
*Note: IWU currently offers a B.S. degree in Medical Technology which requires three years of university study and a full year of clinical experience in an approved hospital.
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Photo courtesy of the Triangle.