
Did You Know: Welcome Bags Share

Jan 30, 2025  |  Web Administrator

Did you know that the City of Mar­i­on has a Wel­come Bag pro­gram for new or return­ing residents??

If you are new or return­ing to Marion…

Swing by the Mayor’s Office at City Hall (301 S Bran­son St., 2nd floor) any­time Mon­day through Fri­day, between 8 AM and 4 PM, to pick up your FREE Wel­come Bag! It’s our way of say­ing Wel­come to the community!”

Not only will you receive a thought­ful gift, but you’ll also get the inside scoop on all the excit­ing things hap­pen­ing around town. And who knows? You might even get to meet May­or Mor­rell in person! 

Don’t miss out — stop by and let us wel­come you to Mar­i­on!

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