
Did You Know: Sidewalk Cleaning Share

Dec 12, 2024  |  Web Administrator

Each per­son own­ing or occu­py­ing any real estate in the city lim­its are required to main­tain their own side­walk, lawn space, and the por­tion between the curb line and the prop­er­ty line. This means clean­ing the side­walk of lit­ter with­out sweep­ing it into the streets and/​or gut­ters.

Each owner/​occupier shall also not per­mit the pres­ence of any obstruc­tion, dan­ger, or incon­ve­nience.

There are vio­la­tion fees in place for each day any vio­la­tions occur.

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion regard­ing the Side­walk Clean­ing chap­ter of munic­i­pal code under Street Use Reg­u­la­tions is acces­si­ble here.

nice sidewalk in marion