
Did You Know: Air Pollution Share

Jul 22, 2024  |  Web Administrator

The City of Mar­i­on has a chap­ter of code regard­ing Air Pol­lu­tion defin­ing pol­lu­tants and relat­ed terms, and what reg­u­la­tions we have in place to con­trol the burn­ing of cer­tain mate­ri­als in the open air or in con­tain­ers caus­ing omis­sion of smoke, offen­sive odors, gas­es, or oth­er pol­lu­tants which inter­fere with the qual­i­ty and enjoy­ment of life, as well as the health of our citizens.

If you wish to read this chap­ter to learn more, please vis­it: https://​codeli​brary​.amle​gal​.co….

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