Have you met Linda Luttrull-Harmon? If not, stop into her storefront, Design Studio 407, and introduce yourself. The design center opened for business at 407 S. Washington Street in July of 2018, and the charming retail shop opened in September of 2018. Formerly, she ran a similar business in San Antonio, Texas, but, as a native Marion resident, she was excited to support all of the positive investment happening back home. She holds all of the local businesses who have stayed in downtown with utmost respect and hopes that her retail shop, which highlights skilled artisans and their creations, will continue to help Downtown Marion become a destination spot. Her design studio and skillful articulation of both interior and exterior spaces should also become a first stop for all design needs. Keep in mind that she is a local Hunter Douglas authorized dealer, crafting window treatments that are both practical and stunning.

Most importantly, Linda is expanding and moving! Starting in September — next month — Design Studio 407 will be located at 139 E. Third Street on the north side of the Courthouse square owned by BDP Real Estate. The larger space will allow the artists represented in her store to hold classes and exhibits. It will enable Design Studio 407 to become a cozy meeting space for community gatherings. Also, the store hours will increase to Tuesday through Saturday. Her current hours are Wednesday through Friday from 11am to 6pm and Saturday from 11am to 3pm.
Follow Design Studio 407 on Instagram at @lindaharmondesignstudio407, and Facebook at Linda Harmon Design Studio 407.
Submitted by:
Heidi Peterson
Executive Director, CFRM, LSCC
Main Street Marion