Debbie Goodman Share

Mar 10, 2022  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

First Deputy Clerk Debra Deb­bie” Good­man may work behind the scenes at City Hall, but she is an ever-turn­ing vital gear in the machine of Mar­i­on government.

City of Mar­i­on Clerk Kathi Kiley want­ed Good­man to be rec­og­nized for her out­stand­ing and ded­i­cat­ed work over the 30+ years in her key role. 

Kiley said, Deb­bie has been my right hand from the day I took office. As my First Deputy, she goes above and beyond in her duties, and is more than capa­ble of han­dling what­ev­er needs to be done.” She added, Deb­bie is more to me than a fel­low cowork­er, and even more than just a friend. Deb­bie is con­sid­ered fam­i­ly to myself, my hus­band, and my children.”

Sec­ond Deputy Clerk, Vick­ie Burns has long been impressed by Goodman’s knowl­edge and work eth­ic. She’s great at doing min­utes for the Coun­cil and takes pride in get­ting her work done in a time­ly fash­ion. She’s also a guru when it comes to han­dling motor vehi­cle infrac­tions. Her doc­u­men­ta­tion and fol­low-up is one of the best I’ve ever worked with. She’s just amazing.”

Good­man was hired in April of 1989 as the Sec­ond Deputy Clerk until Kiley appoint­ed her as First Deputy in 1992.

Good­man is a com­po­nent of three total per­son­nel in the Clerk’s Office. 

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