Black History Month: Making History

Dana Gault, City Controller Share

Feb 8, 2024  |  Web Administrator

In hon­or of Black His­to­ry Month, the City of Mar­i­on is fea­tur­ing a series of lead­ers in city gov­ern­ment who are Mak­ing History.”

In Jan­u­ary of 2024, Dana Gault became the City of Mar­i­on’s first Black female Controller.

Gault expressed, I am hon­ored to accept this role, and hum­bled to know that May­or Mor­rell entrust­ed the Con­troller posi­tion in my care. I have a great team and I want the City of Mar­i­on to know that the Con­troller’s Office cares for our city, and we will do excel­lent work for the City of Marion.”

Gault shared her foun­da­tion of inspi­ra­tion. I am first inspired by God. His word applies to my life. God found suc­cess in me, and he uses me for his glo­ry. I am also inspired by my hus­band, David, who is my front row cheer­leader. My fam­i­ly and friends are also an inspi­ra­tion to me. They nev­er give up, and we encour­age each oth­er to keep mov­ing through life.”

Gault attrib­ut­es her work eth­ic and suc­cess to her par­ents, Mau­rice and (the late) Eunel­la Rowe. My par­ents were very instru­men­tal in set­ting a ser­vant lead­er­ship exam­ple for me as they served through vol­un­teer­ing in church, and also vol­un­teered in the community.”

In the new posi­tion of lead­er­ship, and in stew­ard­ship of tax­pay­ers’ mon­ey, Gault stat­ed, I will con­tin­ue to strive to achieve full trans­paren­cy for the bud­get, any oth­er con­troller mat­ters, and be a mem­ber of this great team to achieve finan­cial excel­lence for the City of Marion.”

Gault began her career in social work, mov­ing her way up to man­age­ment, and has expe­ri­ence man­ag­ing 80+ mil­lion dol­lar bud­gets. Gault has vol­un­teered on many com­mu­ni­ty boards, includ­ing serv­ing as board pres­i­dent of Mar­i­on Com­mu­ni­ty Schools.

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