City of Marion and Grant County:
It is with a heavy heart that I share the sad news of the first coronavirus-related deaths in our community. The TWO (corrected 4/6/20) individuals’ deaths have been determined to be caused by COVID-19. The total number of Grant County residents infected by the virus is currently 19.
Please join me in praying for the families and friends of the three human beings who did not survive this pandemic. And continue to lift those who have been infected by the virus and are still in quarantine.
Last but not least, continue to pray for our healthcare workers, first responders, and all the people who continue to work during this pandemic.
Please stay home for the next 14 days. Don’t stay home because your government is asking you to stay home. Do it because it’s the right thing to do in these unprecedented times.
God bless us all!
Marion Mayor Jess Alumbaugh
EMA Director Bob Jackson has provided a link to view the joint press release held today (Sunday, April 5th, 2020) at 9:30am: