Press Release

Community Foundation Grant Program Awards MFD Nearly 10K for Cardiac Arrest Response Share

May 21, 2021  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment is one of nine orga­ni­za­tions serv­ing Grant Coun­ty to receive a grant from the Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­tion of Grant Coun­ty’s Give to Grant Col­lab­o­ra­tive Grant Cycle” through which over $77,000 was dis­trib­uted for pos­i­tive impact locally.

MFD was grant­ed $9,911 for the pur­chase of all new Auto­mat­ed Exter­nal Defib­ril­la­tors for each Engine apparatus.

MFD Deputy Chief Justin Planck said, The Depart­ment was in need of updat­ed AEDs, and every Engine will now have all new, and will car­ry the same devices.” Planck added that, like all pub­lic safe­ty equip­ment, AEDs are ever-chang­ing and expensive.”

The use of an AED with­in 3 min­utes of Sud­den Car­diac Arrest can increase sur­vival rate by over 80%, accord­ing to MFD.

The grant was made pos­si­ble through mul­ti­ple con­tri­bu­tions includ­ing from the fam­i­ly of the late Travis Simpkins.

Planck expressed, We are thank­ful to the Simp­kins fam­i­ly and every­one who con­tributed to this grant, and for the Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation’s col­lab­o­ra­tive grant pro­gram which facil­i­tat­ed this effort to bet­ter serve our community.”


MFD Deputy Chief, Justin Planck, 765.668.4474, jplanck@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov

Vis­it the Com­mu­ni­ty Foundation’s web­site, give​togrant​.org, to learn more of the lat­est grant recip­i­ents and ongo­ing robust giv­ing opportunities.

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