Press Release

City & TU Film Students Release First Responder Recruitment Video Share

Nov 25, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

A team of Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty film stu­dents devot­ed their fall semes­ter work­ing with the City of Mar­i­on to pro­duce a first respon­der recruit­ment video. The City of Mar­i­on and sev­er­al oth­er orga­ni­za­tions sub­mit­ted requests for projects for the 2020 fall semes­ter with TU’s Pro­duc­ing for Clients” class. At the start of the semes­ter, the class select­ed projects, and the City was one chosen.

A team of four was con­nect­ed with the City of Marion’s Direc­tor of Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­ni­ty Rela­tions, Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, to com­plete the semes­ter-long project. Price-Bod­kin received the good news the City’s pro­pos­al had been cho­sen, then kicked into full gear work­ing with the stu­dents in tan­dem with the Mar­i­on Police Depart­ment and Mar­i­on Fire Depart­ment over the next 2 ½ months. I couldn’t be more thank­ful and proud of every­one. The stu­dents showed extreme care with this project, were great lis­ten­ers, and unleashed full cre­ativ­i­ty in pro­duc­ing what will be a per­pet­u­al recruit­ment tool for us,” she explained.

The video is found on the City of Marion’s YouTube Chan­nel. On YouTube, search for City of Mar­i­on, IN,” then find the video (OR direct link:‑U) enti­tled The Call to Serve Mar­i­on.” Sub­scribe to the Chan­nel to see more videos from the City of Mar­i­on. The video will also be shared on the City’s web­site as well as var­i­ous social media pages.

The TU team was made up of Mag­gie Cripe (Pro­duc­er), Kendra Copeland (Director/​Cinematographer), Mitch Wheel­er (Edi­tor), and JD Groh (Asst. Producer/​Asst. Cin­e­matog­ra­ph­er), under Pro­fes­sor Steve Bailey. 

Cripe said she is proud of her team on what they were able to cre­ate. Pro­duc­ing this film has been such an hon­or, and so reward­ing. My team and I got to work along­side the actu­al police and fire­fight­ers of Mar­i­on, and I am so appre­cia­tive that they took time to act in the video. I hope those who watch see how tru­ly pas­sion­ate Marion’s first respon­ders are as I have learned through this process myself.”

Mar­i­on Police Chief Angela Haley expressed appre­ci­a­tion for the over­all project, and said every­one involved did great work. I’m grate­ful for the col­lab­o­ra­tion and tal­ents of the stu­dent film­mak­ers and Lay­la Price-Bod­kin who helped bring this con­cept to life.”

Mar­i­on Fire Chief Paul David stat­ed, I per­son­al­ly want to thank Lay­la Price-Bod­kin and the Tay­lor Uni­ver­si­ty film stu­dent team for the excel­lent work done on the recruit­ment video for the City of Mar­i­on Fire and Police Depart­ment. In part­ner­ing with the Police Depart­ment, I believe this type of mate­r­i­al pro­duced will cer­tain­ly aid us in get­ting more appli­cants. The film crew, with the lim­it­ed knowl­edge of what the job per­tains to, I feel they cap­tured the heart of what our depart­ments are about. Col­lec­tive­ly work­ing togeth­er will only make us stronger as city employ­ees and quite pride­ful of the jobs that we per­form dai­ly. As the 2 largest depart­ments of the City, we have one com­mon goal — to pro­tect its cit­i­zens and vis­i­tors at all cost. We have a great com­mu­ni­ty to be proud of, and again col­lec­tive­ly, we make it safer. Thanks so much to Lay­la and the T.U. film crew.”

May­or Jess Alum­baugh expressed, This project is exem­plary of the tal­ents that exist with­in our com­mu­ni­ty. Not only do we have pub­lic safe­ty agen­cies that are sec­ond to none, the part­ner­ships and sup­port with­in our com­mu­ni­ty make Mar­i­on a great place to work and live!”

Video Sum­ma­ry: Do you have what it takes to be a first respon­der? City of Mar­i­on police offi­cers and fire­fight­ers offer advice of what to expect in the chal­leng­ing yet reward­ing career path. To learn more about ongo­ing City of Mar­i­on first respon­der career oppor­tu­ni­ties, vis­it www​.city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov/​c​a​reers.

Media Con­tacts:

Lay­la Price-Bod­kin, Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Dept., 765.382.3755, lprice@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov
Chf. Angela Haley, Mar­i­on Police Dept., ahaley@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov
Chf. Paul David, Mar­i­on Fire Dept., pdavid@​cityofmarion.​in.​gov

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