
City Offices Closed Thursday as Extreme Cold Continues Share

Jan 30, 2019  |  Web Administrator

City Admin­is­tra­tive Offices will also be closed on Thurs­day, Jan­u­ary 31st, as the extreme cold weath­er con­di­tions per­sist. The City Bus­es will not be run­ning again on Thurs­day. Mar­i­on Util­i­ties’ trash ser­vice is also not run­ning on Thurs­day, and their offices will also be closed until Friday.

A Fol­lowup Mes­sage from May­or Alumbaugh:

As May­or of Mar­i­on I am ask­ing, not demand­ing, that our cit­i­zens not be out in our com­mu­ni­ty (Wed & Thurs) unless you need to be some­where. If you need to be out, please be care­ful. Our pub­lic safe­ty employ­ees will be work­ing and avail­able to help you if need­ed. They are always on call. I just hope our cit­i­zens will use good judge­ment and min­i­mize the need for police and fire response calls.”

Stay Safe, Marion!

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