Press Release

City of Marion Announces “Traveling Town Halls” Share

Aug 27, 2024  |  Web Administrator

May­or Ronald Mor­rell, Jr. will be on the road over the next three months host­ing Trav­el­ing Town Halls” for citizens.

May­or Mor­rell explained the impor­tance of host­ing the series. Our admin­is­tra­tion is found­ed on trans­paren­cy and open dia­logue. Through these town halls, we are bring­ing city gov­ern­ment direct­ly to the com­mu­ni­ty. My team and I are eager to engage with res­i­dents and explore how we can work togeth­er to make Mar­i­on an even bet­ter place.”

Trav­el­ing Town Halls will take place twice in Sep­tem­ber, twice in Octo­ber, and twice in Novem­ber – all at var­i­ous loca­tions through­out the city – one in each of the six dis­tricts. Many of them coin­cide with exist­ing meet­ing places and times of neigh­bor­hood asso­ci­a­tions. Every­one is wel­come to attend each one. No reser­va­tions are required.

The first Trav­el­ing Town Hall will be held on Mon­day, Sep­tem­ber 9th, at 5pm at Allen Tem­ple AME Church (3440 S. Wash­ing­ton St.), with refresh­ments served by Allen Tem­ple and H.O.P.E Neigh­bor­hood Asso­ci­a­tion at 6pm.

Sub­se­quent Trav­el­ing Town Halls are planned for the remain­ing districts:

Thurs., Sept. 26th, 6pm — 8th Street Wes­leyan Church (2244 W. 8th St.)

Mon., Oct. 21st, 7pm — Sun­ny­crest Com­mu­ni­ty Church (1921 W. Brad­ford St.)

Tues., Oct. 22nd, 6:30pm — Tem­ple Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church (1006 N. West­ern Ave.)

Mon., Nov. 4th, 6pm — IWU Foot­ball Suite (698798 E. 45th St.)

Mon., Nov. 18th, 6pm — BORN Church (320 N. Adams St.)

Come lis­ten to May­or Mor­rell dis­cuss projects and devel­op­ments, and ask ques­tions or voice com­ments. Each Trav­el­ing Town Hall will be lim­it­ed to one hour.

Check the News & Events sec­tion of city​of​mar​i​on​.in​.gov, or check City of Mar­i­on, IN – Local Gov­ern­ment” Face­book for fliers post­ed for each Trav­el­ing Town Hall as they draw near.

A print­able fli­er is attached below:


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