Press Release

City Hires New Splash House Director Share

May 11, 2017  |  Web Administrator

The Splash House has new lead­er­ship, just in time for the open­ing of the 2017 season. 

As of today, Andy Davis is the new direc­tor for the water park under the City of Mar­i­on Parks & Recre­ation sys­tem. Davis, born in Mar­i­on, resided in Fair­mount and grad­u­at­ed from Madi­son- Grant High School. He then went to Pur­due Uni­ver­si­ty and obtained a Bach­e­lor of Arts in Recre­ation­al Management.

After grad­u­a­tion, Davis took on an oppor­tu­ni­ty in Michi­gan for Ameri­corps. Soon after, he returned to Mar­i­on and served one year for the Grant Coun­ty YMCA as an Assis­tant Pro­gram Direc­tor. Dur­ing his time there, he led an anti-drug pro­gram for ear­ly teens. Davis served an addi­tion­al four years at the Camp Tecum­seh YMCA in Brook­ston, Indi­ana, as the Lake Direc­tor and Out­door Edu­ca­tion leader. Davis then served eight years as the Pro­gram Man­ag­er for the Boys & Girls Club in Portage, Indi­ana. There, he over­saw the mul­ti­tude of ath­let­ic pro­grams includ­ing a lead­er­ship club. Davis said the Portage Boys & Girls Club served an aver­age of 250 kids dur­ing his tenure.

Davis then went to grad­u­ate school at Ball State Uni­ver­si­ty and obtained a Master’s Degree in Sports Admin­is­tra­tion. This past year, he was employed at the Koko­mo YMCA in mem­ber­ship ser­vices until he learned of the oppor­tu­ni­ty in Marion.

I’m real­ly look­ing for­ward to the work ahead and just excit­ed to get out there,” said Davis. Davis assured he’s con­fi­dent that he will be a great fit for the new role at the Splash House and more, cit­ing his expe­ri­ence work­ing with youth and the pub­lic, espe­cial­ly in an aquat­ic envi­ron­ment. I’m pas­sion­ate about aquat­ics and excit­ed to be a part of some­thing fun and enter­tain­ing for the community.”

Davis also has expe­ri­ence as a life­guard, and in water safe­ty instruction.

Parks & Recre­ation Exec­u­tive Direc­tor Belin­da Hus­song said she’s thank­ful they found a well-qual­i­fied per­son for the job, par­tic­u­lar­ly in time for the open­ing of the Splash House’s 11th sea­son. Andy has a lot of expe­ri­ence, but also has all of our sup­port to make things run as effi­cient­ly as possible.”

Media Con­tact: Belin­da Hus­song 765.662.9931 bhussong@​marionindiana.​us

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