City Hall Building & Grounds Department Share

Jul 2, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

The City Hall Build­ing & Grounds Depart­ment keeps the City of Mar­i­on’s gov­ern­ment admin­is­tra­tion facil­i­ty and grounds main­tained in good con­di­tion and work­ing order. Due to the dili­gence of a small staff of two full-time employ­ees, Mar­i­on has a munic­i­pal build­ing and grounds in which instills pride.

The depart­ment con­sists of Build­ing & Grounds Man­ag­er Robert (“Rob­by”) Cas­sidy and his assis­tant, Cindy Overmyer.

Rob­by and Cindy have gone above and beyond in tak­ing care of our City Hall build­ing, both inside and out, most notably dur­ing the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic. While offices were closed, then open to employ­ees while remain­ing closed to the pub­lic, Rob­by has been instru­men­tal in updat­ing offices, while keep­ing up with the day-to-day neces­si­ties. Cindy has been dili­gent­ly keep­ing the entire build­ing san­i­tized day in and day out. Both Rob­by and Cindy are a great asset to the City of Mar­i­on team.” – May­or Jess Alumbaugh

Both Rob­by and Cindy have gone above and beyond any expec­ta­tion we have had, not only dur­ing this time of the COVID-19 pan­dem­ic, but every day, as they ensure City Hall is ready to wel­come the pub­lic. Their atten­tion to detail has enabled us to address many issues that have gone unno­ticed in the past.” — Chief of Staff Mike Flynn