Press Release

City Clerk Kathi Kiley to Retire after 41 Years Serving Marion Share

Dec 18, 2023  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

City Clerk Kath­leen Kathi” Kiley will retire after more than four decades serv­ing the cit­i­zens of Marion.

In 1980, Kiley was appoint­ed by then Clerk Mary Jane Hol­loway to serve as First Deputy. Her first job was at the old City Hall locat­ed at 2nd and Adams St., where the bus depot stands. In 1982, once con­struc­tion of the cur­rent City Hall was com­plet­ed, she hauled her paper­work and type­writer into her new office. Kiley, as a new mom, left briefly from 8990. She then ran for City Clerk in 91, was elect­ed, and took office in 92.

I enjoyed being in the know of busi­ness in the city. I knew my job well and liked it well,” explained Kiley.

Look­ing back on 41 years of serv­ing the com­mu­ni­ty, Kiley said she doesn’t have regrets, but recalled the many sac­ri­fices she made in her per­son­al life when she would work evenings for City Coun­cil meet­ings. As an avid Bea­t­les fan, Kiley quot­ed a famous John Lennon line, Life is what hap­pens when you’re busy mak­ing oth­er plans.” All in all, she said she looks back with pride in being a part of the com­mu­ni­ty, mak­ing a dif­fer­ence. It just shows that hard work pays off.”

Kiley looks for­ward to spend­ing more time with her fam­i­ly, trav­el­ing back and forth to Vir­ginia where some of them reside, trav­el­ing in gen­er­al, and enjoy­ing more time with friends. Kiley meets week­ly with friends and her long­time co-work­er, who became a close friend, Debra Goodman. 

Good­man ran for Clerk unop­posed, and will take office in Jan­u­ary. Kiley plans to work on a part-time basis to help Good­man accli­mate to her new role for a few months before she offi­cial­ly retires.

In the mean­time, the pub­lic is invit­ed to come to City Hall Coun­cil Cham­bers on Decem­ber 20th, from 1 – 3pm, for an open-house style retire­ment party.

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