Chris White Share

Mar 7, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

City of Mar­i­on Human Resources Coor­di­na­tor Chris White is in the Employ­ee Spot­light for her hard work in orga­niz­ing and coor­di­nat­ing a com­pre­hen­sive health fair for city employ­ees dur­ing open enroll­ment, and for car­ry­ing out plans to encour­age gen­er­al wellness.

The enroll­ment fair occurred in City Hall dur­ing one full after­noon and evening on Octo­ber 29th, then one full morn­ing and after­noon on Octo­ber 30th, 2018. The event encour­aged employ­ees to vis­it dif­fer­ent sta­tions through­out either day as their sched­ule allowed. Bro­kers and oth­er ben­e­fits rep­re­sen­ta­tives pro­vid­ed hands-on assis­tance to employ­ees as they enrolled on-site, while explain­ing cov­er­age plans, answer­ing ques­tions, and giv­ing away fun and use­ful pro­mo­tion­al items. White worked with every provider to plan and car­ry out the two-day flex­i­ble event. She even worked with the city’s direc­tor of mar­ket­ing to pro­vide use­ful pro­mo­tion­al items using the City’s new brand.

Chris did a phe­nom­e­nal job ded­i­cat­ing her­self to mak­ing this the best enroll­ment I have ever attend­ed. I am pleased to be a part of the process and I can see the hard effort she put in. She is an amaz­ing indi­vid­ual and deserves to be in the spot­light.” – Ash­ley Poe, Lib­er­ty National

A city employ­ee com­ment­ed on the ease and con­ve­nience of the enroll­ment. It was nice that you could get it done in one day at one place, and it was flex­i­ble with our sched­ules. Chris did a nice job putting it togeth­er.” – Janet Pear­son, Deputy Direc­tor of Devel­op­ment Services

White announced to city employ­ees ear­ly this year that there will be a lunch & learn series offered one day a month from March to Sep­tem­ber of 2019. Employ­ees may enjoy these catered lunch­es while learn­ing about dif­fer­ent health and well­ness top­ics. The sub­jects in this series will cov­er Anthem’s Engage Pro­gram and EAP (Employ­ee Assis­tance Pro­gram), Cho­les­terol: the Good and the Bad, Finan­cial Stress, Impor­tance of an Annu­al Well­ness Exam, Stress Man­age­ment, Dia­betes Man­age­ment, and the Impor­tance of Phys­i­cal Activ­i­ty. White bounced ideas off of rep­re­sen­ta­tives of IMG to come up with the series where spous­es are also wel­come to attend. Togeth­er, they also worked out a plan to pro­vide an incen­tive through a point sys­tem for employ­ees need­ing to ful­fill well­ness activ­i­ties for best pre­mi­ums as part of the City’s well­ness pro­gram admin­is­tered by Wellworks.

White has been the HR Coor­di­na­tor for the City of Mar­i­on for over 6 years. She has been with the City for 18 years, hav­ing ful­filled admin­is­tra­tive duties for the Mayor’s Office, Legal Depart­ment, and IT in past years.