Capt. Steve Scott Share

Oct 3, 2019  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Mar­i­on Police Capt. Steve Scott has been employed with MPD since August 7th, 1995 (24 years). He has served the depart­ment as a Patrol Offi­cer, Sergeant, and as Cap­tain to present day.

Capt. Scott leads the K9 pro­gram and is one of two offi­cers who decides on and acquires the best K9 dogs for MPD. He also leads the MPD Spe­cial Weapons and Tac­tics (SWAT) Team, and instructs offi­cers on firearms and Emer­gency Vehi­cle Oper­a­tion (EVO), hold­ing cer­ti­fi­ca­tion through the Indi­ana Law Enforce­ment Academy.

Crime Stop­pers had award­ed Capt. Scott for an arrest made to clear a case from 1997 based on a Crime Stop­pers tip.

This year, Capt. Scott wrote and sub­mit­ted a grant appli­ca­tion, suc­cess­ful­ly award­ing MPD $130,000 toward the body cam­era pro­gram. He has also writ­ten suc­cess­ful grants for the K9 pro­gram, and main­tains the bul­let-proof vest grant pro­gram each year to achieve 50% fund­ing for the vests through the U.S. Depart­ment of Justice.

Capt. Scott has also been engaged with the com­mu­ni­ty hav­ing been involved in pro­grams such as Shop with a Cop.”

Police Chief Angela Haley expressed, Capt. Scott has always been a valu­able mem­ber of the depart­ment who gives 110% to any task he is given.”