Cafe Valley Share

Oct 1, 2020  |  Layla Price-Bodkin

Since 1987, Café Val­ley has pro­duced muffins, bundt cakes, ring cakes, loaf cakes, dan­ish­es, turnovers, crois­sants, and Café Bites for cus­tomers through­out the Unit­ed States and across the world. Demand for their prod­ucts out­grew their state-of-the-art, Phoenix, AZ, pro­duc­tion, and led to the con­struc­tion of their Mar­i­on, Indi­ana facil­i­ty in 2014. The Mar­i­on plant was built in an effort to bet­ter sup­port their mid­west and east coast cus­tomers. Rough­ly 500 peo­ple are employed at the Mar­i­on plant which has three major pro­duc­tion lines that pro­duce crois­sants, cakes, and muffins for a vari­ety of cus­tomers includ­ing con­ve­nience stores, club stores, and food ser­vice operations.

Gen­er­al Man­ag­er, Paul Dash, shared the most reward­ing part of doing busi­ness in Mar­i­on. We real­ly do have amaz­ing peo­ple here. Our Lead­er­ship Team is rich with expe­ri­ence from many oth­er orga­ni­za­tions, and they are able to freely offer up ideas and try them out here. We have a cul­ture where every­one has a voice which is help­ing us grow our cul­ture as a team. We work to engage our employ­ees in as many events and dis­cus­sions as pos­si­ble. Most of our peo­ple want Café Val­ley to be suc­cess­ful, and that makes life so much easier.”

Dash also believes the future is bright for Café Valley’s Mar­i­on facil­i­ty. He said, Swan­der Pace pur­chased our com­pa­ny in the sum­mer of 2019 and plans to grow our busi­ness over the next sev­er­al years. We have room to add more high-capac­i­ty pro­duc­tion lines, and are build­ing a strong team to sup­port that growth. We also plan to add automa­tion to our pro­duc­tion lines which will enable us to be more resilient and pro­duc­tive, espe­cial­ly dur­ing dif­fi­cult times like these. Part of what we bring to the com­mu­ni­ty is an oppor­tu­ni­ty for per­son­al growth. We train peo­ple to become Leads and Oper­a­tors, and then poten­tial­ly move into Man­age­ment roles. We have pro­mot­ed about 10 peo­ple from hourly ranks into Super­vi­sor ranks in the last few years, and that make us all proud. We also train peo­ple in the basics of food safe­ty and qual­i­ty. Employ­ees can also earn pro­mo­tions with­in these spe­cial­ty areas as well.”

Learn more about Café Val­ley through their web­site (www​.cafe​val​ley​.com) or by stop­ping by their bak­ery out­let at 3701 S. Adams Street.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Kylie Jack­son, President/​CEO
Mar­i­on-Grant Coun­ty Cham­ber of Commerce