Busy B's Auto Cleanup Share

May 2, 2019  |  Web Administrator

Bar­ry Blair lives his pas­sion every day doing auto­mo­bile cleanup & appear­ance under the umbrel­la of his own busi­ness. He began Busy B’s Auto Cleanup in August of 1992, near­ly 27 years ago.

Blair, orig­i­nal­ly from Ken­tucky, grew up in Sweetser, IN, and grad­u­at­ed from Oak Hill High School. He had always worked in the auto indus­try since the age of 18, but want­ed to try his hand at his own busi­ness. A men­tor and friend he men­tioned by the name of Pat Blaugh­er encour­aged him to take that big step.

Blair pur­chased an old body shop Down­town Mar­i­on, at 117 E. 8th St., and put mon­ey into the build­ing to ful­fill needs for his shop. The shop still sits on the same cor­ner of 8th & Adams, but his clien­tele come in from all over the state. How did he get wide­spread clien­tele? He explained it’s due to putting in a lot of work, doing dai­ly labor him­self while super­vis­ing his hand­ful of employ­ees, and even work­ing long hours. He added it’s also impor­tant to have a good per­son­al­i­ty for the job.

The clients are the rea­son I do it. I enjoy doing busi­ness with them, and I enjoy the job. I want to con­tin­ue doing what I’m doing, and would like to see busi­ness grow even more,” said Blair.

He added, I want peo­ple to dri­ve Down­town, and see all the invest­ments, and the ener­gy. Things are get­ting bet­ter (Down­town).”

Busy B’s does vehi­cle wash­es, inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or cleanup, com­plete auto detail, and even paint touchup in addi­tion to oth­er reap­pear­ance services.

Sub­mit­ted by:
Lay­la Price-Bod­kin
Main Street Marion