
Bus Route for Easter Pageant, 2018 Share

Mar 26, 2018  |  Web Administrator

The Mar­i­on Trans­porta­tion Depart­ment reminds East­er Pageant spec­ta­tors of the sched­uled route for those who need tran­sit tonight (Mon, March 26th) or tomor­row (Tues, March 27th): 

City bus­es will leave the Grant Coun­ty YMCA at 5:30pm and head south on Wash­ing­ton St. to the City of Mar­i­on Super Lot” between 4th & 5th Street (across from Cen­trum Mall). Bus­es will go east across Adams St. to the Coun­ty Park­ing Lot for pick­ups. Then, bus­es will turn right on Bran­son St. then left into the East Park­ing Lot. Bus­es will dri­ve through the lot to McClure St., turn left, then turn left again onto 2nd St. At Bran­son St., bus­es will turn right and go over the bridge, back to the YMCA

Below is a map for a visu­al reference…

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